How to get better at battlefront
How to get better at battlefront

how to get better at battlefront

There you would need the complete freedom to control 100% of your ship. This isn’t something you would want in a real PvP match. The automatic leveling feature, when Advanced Flight is OFF, helps you to get your Starfighter back to horizontal position after a certain flip or turn. Once you have grasped the basics of movement and have learned how to turn and tilt, it is now time to… Nothing fits this description better than the AI. Many of the missions feature combat in space and as I mentioned before, you can easily train yourself against an easier and more predictable opponent. The best place and way to learn the very basics of piloting a starfighter, is the solo campaign. Play the campaign and get more familiar with how to control the ship The perfect settings are different per game resolution, mouse model and pilot’s personal preferences. Just be sure not to turn it all the way down, because that would throw you in the opposite situation, where you will be moving and turning too slow and that’s far from what you want. Lowering the sensitivity of your mouse will help you aim better and lower the amount of vibrations. In Starfighter you will need to be quick and have a good trigger-finger. This isn’t the pre-programmed AI, that does knows the same limited number of moves and performs them over and over. When you play against human pilots the main thing you have to remember is that they think and act very much in a unique way every single time you enter combat. Similarly to shooters, you want small, precise movements with your mouse when you are targets hundreds of meters away from you. Lower the sensitivity of your mouse for Starfighter And at the bottom of the article you will find the video version of this guide, in case you prefer to watch and listen instead of read :)

How to get better at battlefront